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Friendship can be either a gift or a burden. After almost four years of high school, I have been able see both sides. Growing up I was always curious about high school. It was so foreign to me that I thought movies about high school were an accurate representation of what it was really like. That was, until I became a freshman. I immediately made friends with a group of people who invited me to things and I was happy. I went through most of high school thinking that there wasn’t a “popular group” like I had seen in the movies. That was until my senior year when I realized that the reason why I never thought there was a popular group was because I was in it. From the outside, it seemed as if I was great friends with so many people, however it didn’t feel that way. In fact, I realized that out of the 15 or so people in my “friend group”, only one or two of them truly cared about my wellbeing. Suddenly I no longer had friends who prioritized their faith, and instead only cared about their plans for the weekend and current gossip. I wasn't being encouraged to live in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord, nor did I have anyone who encouraged me and my relationship with the Lord. These are things that are crucial within a friendship. I then realized not only did my “friends'' not know the true meaning of friendship, but I didn’t either. I spent years believing there wasn’t a group of “mean girls” at my school then seeing I was not only in it, but drank the kool aid too. I allowed people to let me think I had great friends and that I should be content. However, I began to believe otherwise after seeing the lack of emotional support and encouragement that I had over the years. Being in the “popular group” may seem fulfilling for some people, however they will eventually realize the hole in their life that only true friends can fill. The lord says, “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” Proverbs 13:20. It’s important to choose friends based on true authenticity and the ways in which they uplift you. This will allow for a fulfilling life, whereas living with those who fail to direct you in a positive manner, results in a life of emptiness and disappointment. Have higher standards for yourself. Don’t settle for the popular people because it is the cool place to be. Ask God for friends that are genuine, and trust that he will bring them to you. Lastly, no matter the stage of life you are in, always remember that popular friends does not mean authentic friends. 

Jessica's Thoughts On: Friendships

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